URGENT ACTION: SB1342 Will Be Voted On in the IL House TOMORROW!!

Paris states his opposition to SB1342 at a community press conference (Precious Blood Ministry of Reconciliation, 11/1/13)
Update: Great news!!! The House adjourned today without passing the bill. Details are HERE.
“Black members in the Illinois House have used a procedural measure to stop an anti-crime bill aimed at guns on city streets. [Rep. Ken Dunkin] requested he be provided information on the bill’s effect, including its cost and impact on the prison system. The Department of Corrections did not file that information. Zalewski could have asked the House to rule the information inapplicable — but it likely wouldn’t have worked.”
Special thanks to Rep. Duncan and the members of the Black Caucus who have stood firm against this bill!!!
We have not won yet. The bill will be brought back up in December. We need everyone to take the next couple of weeks to KEEP CONTACTING YOUR REPRESENTATIVES in person, by phone, by email, by fax, by any means necessary. Tell them to vote NO on #SB1342.
Also, here’s a FACT SHEET on SB1342.
Rep Zalewski reached a deal with the NRA, so the NRA has turned into a proponent of SB1342 (Mandatory Gun Bill). The bill was amended twice today and was voted out of committee again, so it will be heard by the full assembly tomorrow.
Given the NRA’s switch, there’s a much higher chance this bill will pass. We need you to contact your legislators ASAP about this bill. The only thing that was removed from the bill was that first time offenders aren’t subjected to the 85% truth-in-sentencing provision.
It’s important to note that the negotiations made these past few days have excluded members of the Black Caucus and others from the most affected communities. The people who will be most impacted aren’t being heard while the NRA has gotten what it wants.
1. Use this EASY FORM to contact your Representatives by email.
2. The same form will also provide you with the telephone numbers of your representatives. We are asking you to please call them as well. They need to be reached by email, fax, AND by phone.
Let your voice be heard to oppose this bill that will overburden an already burdened prison system, cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and have NO IMPACT on public safety.