Jul 22 2010

Anti-Prison Activists Must also be Immigration Activists…

There is always a lot of talk about the need for movement-building in order to make social change. This truism is even more relevant as it relates to anti-prison activism. I believe that those of us who care about abolishing or even just reforming prisons have to take our ideas to other movements. We cannot wait for others to approach us or to just join in our work.

To that end, I believe that anti-prison activists and immigration activists are natural allies. I recently watched a film called The Least of These. The film addressed the issue of family detention at the Hutto Detention Center which was run by CCA.

The fundamental question that the film raises is: “Should Children Ever Be Detained?” Ask yourself what you think about this question? What is your response to this question? The film chronicles the plight of asylum seekers who were “detained” at T. Don Hutto Prison under the pretext that it was more humane to keep families together in detention. The film is a searing portrait and ultimately provides a blueprint for how to launch successful organizing campaigns to dismantle the prison industrial complex and also to engender more just immigration policies.

You can watch the entire film here:

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I encourage everyone to spread the word about this important film.