Police Violence Zine: Coming Soon…
Very excited to share this latest page from a police violence zine that my friend Rachel Marie-Crane Williams is working on. The zine will be released in the Spring (late April) as part of an overall police violence curriculum project that I am working on.
Here is a quote from Angela Davis that I think captures some truth about people of color and poor people’s historical relationships to the police.
“The announced function of the police, ‘ to protect and serve the people,’ becomes the grotesque caricature of protecting and preserving the interest of our oppressors and serving us nothing but injustice. They are there to intimidate blacks, to persuade us with their violence that we are powerless to alter the conditions of our lives. Arrests are frequently based on whims. . . . .
…They encircle the community with a shield of violence, too often forcing the natural aggression of the black community inwards.”Source: Davis, Aptheker, and Prisoners, eds., If They Come in the Morning: Voices of Resistance, p.39.