Jan 26 2013

Black & Blue: Policing – Violence – Resistance: A Series of Events

Regular readers of this blog know that I have spent about two years of my life working on various projects related to the history and current manifestations of police violence. Most of the results of that work can now be found here.

Because I don’t already have enough to do, I have decided to bring everything that I have learned together into a week-long series that will include discussions, a film screening, and an art exhibition. The events will take place during the week of March 18th and I am excited to announce that I will be partnering with the Social Justice Initiative at the University of Illinois at Chicago for this project. Specifically, we will host the exhibition and the events at its Pop Up JUST Art (PUJA) Space on Maxwell Street.

Below is an amazing piece of art that was created by my friend Billy Dee about the Danzinger Bridge shooting in New Orleans. This piece will be on display at the PUJA Space.

The Danzinger Bridge Shootings by Billy Dee (2012)

The Danzinger Bridge Shootings by Billy Dee (2012)

I am excited to share that we will also display three posters by Leigh Klonsky & a series of comics by Eric Garcia.

I am inviting other artists (friends and strangers) to contribute art (posters or prints) relating to policing, violence, and resistance for the exhibition. If you know anyone who wants to contribute an original poster or something else to the exhibition, please share this information with them.

I look forward to providing periodic updates about the project’s progress on the blog. Stay tuned!