Wherein I remember why I can’t stand Russell Simmons…
Lockdown, USA is a documentary that purports to tell the story of the fight against the Rockefeller Drug Laws in New York City. For those who are not familiar with those laws, here is short primer from the film Lockdown, USA.
Anyway, this documentary is uneven to say the least. Frankly the worst parts are the ones that focus on Russell Simmons. The best parts focus on the actual “organizers” who had struggled for decades to overturn those laws and on thefamilies who are devastated by the impact of the unjust laws.
Oh and one more thing… This music video is better than the film as a whole:
P.S. I am tempted to write a note to the filmmakers imploring them to make a director’s cut of the documentary where they delete all of the Russell Simmons parts. But I guess that’s unrealistic. Oh well…