On A Writing Retreat…
It’s summer and it is as good a time as any for me to take a step away from my daily grind. If you are a regular reader, you know that I have my hands in many different pots all at once. I can truly say that I am lucky to have all of the opportunities that I do to contribute to social change and justice.
Several years ago, I heard someone say that he didn’t know what he thought about anything until he had written it down. I subscribe to the same view. I have an overdue book project as well as a couple of other writing projects that I have to complete this summer. As such, I will be taking a writing retreat until mid-August.
What does this mean for Prison Culture? I will continue to post here sporadically. I am also reaching out to friends and colleagues to ask them to send along their posts so that I can share their insights about the prison industrial complex with you too.
When I am back to full steam again in late August, I hope to have tons to share with all of you. In the meantime, please have a good summer and keep up the struggle!