Jul 16 2010

Crazy Prison Industrial Complex Fact of the Day: Education vs Incarceration Edition

During the 2006-2007 time period, 1.4% of the nation’s 16-24 year olds (men and women combined) were institutionalized of whom nearly 93% were residing in correctional facilities (jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers). The share of these young adults who were institutionalized varied widely across educational attainment/ schooling groups with high school dropouts being the most likely to be incarcerated. Only 1 in 1,000 bachelor degree holders were institutionalized versus .7% of out-of-school adults who completed 1-3 years of post-secondary schooling, 1.0% of high school graduates, and 6.3% of high school dropouts lacking a GED certificate. The incidence of institutionalization problems among young high school dropouts was more than 63 times higher than among young four year college graduates.

Source: The Consequences of Dropping Out of High School: A Report.